The Resol Mezcal Distilling Process

At Resol Mezcal, we pride ourselves on producing premium quality mezcal using traditional methods in the heart of Durango, Mexico. Our commitment to quality starts with the selection of the agave Durangensis, a unique species that is grown exclusively in the region of Durango.

The process of making Resol Mezcal begins with the selection of mature agave plants that have reached their peak sugar content. Once harvested, the agave plants are roasted in an underground pit oven for several days, using mesquite wood as fuel. This process imparts a smoky flavor and aroma that is characteristic of Resol Mezcal.

After roasting, the agave plants are crushed using a traditional tahona, a large stone wheel that is used to extract the agave juice. This juice, known as "aguamiel," is then transferred to wooden barrels, where it is left to ferment for several days. The resulting product is known as "ordinario," a young, raw mezcal that forms the base of Resol Mezcal.

Next, the ordinario undergoes a double distillation process using copper stills. The first distillation separates the alcohol from the solids, while the second distillation removes impurities and concentrates the flavor. The resulting mezcal is then aged in oak barrels for several months, allowing it to develop its distinctive amber color and complex flavor profile.

At Resol Mezcal, we are committed to using sustainable practices throughout our production process. Our distillery is powered by solar panels, and we work with local farmers to ensure responsible and sustainable agave cultivation practices.

What sets Resol Mezcal apart from other mezcals is our commitment to tradition and quality. We use only the finest agave Durangensis, and our production methods follow traditional techniques that have been used for generations. Our mezcal is carefully crafted to deliver a smooth and complex flavor profile that is sure to impress even the most discerning mezcal connoisseur.

In conclusion, at Resol Mezcal, we take great pride in producing premium quality mezcal using traditional methods in the heart of Durango, Mexico. Our commitment to sustainability and quality is evident in every bottle of Resol Mezcal, and we invite you to experience the taste of our exceptional mezcal tradition for yourself.

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